Frequently asked questions

  1. How often is a Security’s market value updated?
    • All stock quotes (delayed and end of day historical) received from third party providers will be cached for 24 hours.
  2. Can I force a Security’s market value to be refreshed immediately?
    • Yes. From an individual Account’s screen, tap the Security’s ticker symbol that you would like to refresh. Tap the “Re-fetch market value” button, and navigate Back to this Account’s screen to view the refreshed market value for this Security.
  3. Can I trade securities using this app?
    • No; that is beyond the scope of this application.
  4. Can I use this app on my iPhone?
    • Yes! Both iPhone and iPad are now supported.
  5. I have feedback, a question, or a feature request

Contact address

Arbour Investments Ltd.
1606 Main Street
P.O. Box 387
Stittsville, Ontario
K2S 1A5