Your privacy and the security of your data is our top priority. The following statements outline our approach to handling your data, and our terms of use. We ask that you read and accept each one before using the app. Use of “I”, “me” and “my” in these statements is referring to the end user of the app:

✅ I understand that my data belongs to me, and can be completely deleted by me at any time by uninstalling the app (and removing the backup file from Dropbox, if this feature is used).

✅ Ticker Symbols that I enter will be used to fetch delayed or end of day historical stock quotes from third party providers. I can avoid this on a per-Security basis by choosing to “Manually Track Fair Market Value”.

✅ No other data (such as “Cost” or “Quantity”) of each holding are ever sent to the stock quote providers. I understand that the accuracy of these quotes cannot be guaranteed.

✅ I understand that my data is protected at rest by virtue of my device’s operating system, assuming I am using a passcode (refer to page 12 of the iOS Security Guide).

✅ I have the choice to backup and sync my data to my Dropbox account, and it will always be transferred securely over HTTPS.

✅ I understand that my database is not encrypted at rest on Dropbox, so it is important that I have a strong Dropbox password if I chose to use this feature.

✅ It is my responsibility to verify the accuracy of all numbers displayed in the app by reconciling each account with the corresponding financial institution’s statement. Before taking any action (such as initiating a Buy or a Sell), YourPortfolio recommends that I talk to a financial advisor.

✅ I understand that my use of this app is subject to Apple’s Standard License Agreement.